Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble (HKSE)
Kevin Ling
Wong Tak Chiu
Jacky Leung
Tsang Man Sze
Queenie Wong
Miriam Tsui
Winnie Chiu
Au Yin Tak
Victory Chung
Winnie Ng
Timothy Sun
Wendy Cheng
關於 Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble
About Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble
Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble (HKSE) 於2011年6月份正式成立, 並為政府註冊之非牟利表演團體。本團由一班擁有專業演奏資格及活躍於本地之薩克斯管精英組成。十多名團員分別於本地及歐、美等國家之音樂學院主修薩克斯管演奏,他們均擁有豐富的獨奏或合奏經驗。本團以演奏由較小型的室內樂作品至改編自其他大型樂隊的音樂作品為主,帶領觀眾從新的角度去欣賞薩克斯管音樂。本團創立的理念是以一人一聲部來演奏各類型音樂作品。聲部包括擁有音高清脆而小巧的超高音薩克斯管(Sopranino Saxophone)、在團中帶動領聲部之間合作的高音薩克斯管(Soprano Saxophone)、傲擁甜蜜的聲線,在浪漫作品中更令人着迷的中音薩克斯管(Alto Saxophone)、具有華麗的音調並在大部分的樂曲中發揮協調作用的次中音薩克斯管(Tenor Saxophone)、及音量雄偉而低音的次低音薩克斯管(Baritone Saxophone)。將室樂合奏精神發揮得淋漓盡致,亦把清新及柔揚悅耳的薩克斯管音樂帶給聽眾。
另外,本團獲得「香港民政事務局」文化交流基金撥款讚助及支持於2012年7月10日至15日代表香港遠赴蘇格蘭聖安德魯斯大學城參加2012年第十六屆世界薩克斯管年會(World Saxophone Congress 2012), 藉此宣揚香港原創音樂,把香港的音樂推向國際化。
為籌備這項國際性交流活動,本團邀請了三位本地資深作曲家游元慶先生、盧厚敏博士及葉浩堃先生為本團分別創作三首極具深厚香港本土氣息的作品,帶往當地作世界首演。此外,更邀請了英國著名薩克斯管演奏家及作曲家奈鍾.伍德改篇一些來自大型樂團之作品, 作為本團於年會上演出之用。
Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble (HKSE) is a non-profitable musical organization established in June 2011. Members are the summed of professional saxophonist who obtained the qualifications from music acadamy in Hong Kong, Europe, and United States of America. The ensemble comprises five different voices from the saxophone family, Sopranino, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Baritone. At most, each voice can be spread to the total of twelve individual parts, which challenge the solidarity but enrich the harmony and expand the repertoire variety. With various musical backgrounds and international training, HKSE delivers thrilling performances for any occasion.
HKSE aims to promote saxophone ensemble music by performing in varies occasions, such as concerts and music conference. For the most part, repertories are selected from chamber saxophone works and rearrangements of major master orchestra and military band pieces. As well we aim to expand our audience variety by performing different genres of music; ranging from conservative music to audience friendly music, for example, concert music, theme music, movie sound tracks, jazz, pop, modern music, and many more. Furthermore, we are emphatically in contributing to musical development in Hong Kong.
Another important mission of us is to promote new music; commissioning and recruiting new works from local and international composers with the aim of expanding saxophone ensemble repertoire. Thus, we have commissioned three pieces from three local composers, Mr. Simon Yau, Dr. Lo Hou-man and Mr. Austin Yip. We also invited renowned British saxophone player, composer Nigel Wood to rearrange orchestral works for us.
Earlier this month HKSE was interviewed by RTHK at their programme “The Works”. Furthermore, we were very glad to be invited to conduct and perform at a lecture at HKAPA. In July 2012, HKSE recieved Arts Development Fund (Cultural Exchange Project) from Home Affairs Bureau to represent Hong Kong to perform at the World Saxophone Congress 2012, held at St. Andrews Universiy, Scotland, UK. This international event includes cultural and musical exchange, for this reason HKSE commissioned three world premiere pieces that were written by aforementioned local composers. All three pieces were written with a favor of Hong Kong living style with a sense of traditional Chinese culture.
Kevin Ling
Wong Tak Chiu
Jacky Leung
Tsang Man Sze
Queenie Wong
Miriam Tsui
Winnie Chiu
Au Yin Tak
Victory Chung
Winnie Ng
Timothy Sun
Wendy Cheng
關於 Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble
About Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble
Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble (HKSE) 於2011年6月份正式成立, 並為政府註冊之非牟利表演團體。本團由一班擁有專業演奏資格及活躍於本地之薩克斯管精英組成。十多名團員分別於本地及歐、美等國家之音樂學院主修薩克斯管演奏,他們均擁有豐富的獨奏或合奏經驗。本團以演奏由較小型的室內樂作品至改編自其他大型樂隊的音樂作品為主,帶領觀眾從新的角度去欣賞薩克斯管音樂。本團創立的理念是以一人一聲部來演奏各類型音樂作品。聲部包括擁有音高清脆而小巧的超高音薩克斯管(Sopranino Saxophone)、在團中帶動領聲部之間合作的高音薩克斯管(Soprano Saxophone)、傲擁甜蜜的聲線,在浪漫作品中更令人着迷的中音薩克斯管(Alto Saxophone)、具有華麗的音調並在大部分的樂曲中發揮協調作用的次中音薩克斯管(Tenor Saxophone)、及音量雄偉而低音的次低音薩克斯管(Baritone Saxophone)。將室樂合奏精神發揮得淋漓盡致,亦把清新及柔揚悅耳的薩克斯管音樂帶給聽眾。
另外,本團獲得「香港民政事務局」文化交流基金撥款讚助及支持於2012年7月10日至15日代表香港遠赴蘇格蘭聖安德魯斯大學城參加2012年第十六屆世界薩克斯管年會(World Saxophone Congress 2012), 藉此宣揚香港原創音樂,把香港的音樂推向國際化。
為籌備這項國際性交流活動,本團邀請了三位本地資深作曲家游元慶先生、盧厚敏博士及葉浩堃先生為本團分別創作三首極具深厚香港本土氣息的作品,帶往當地作世界首演。此外,更邀請了英國著名薩克斯管演奏家及作曲家奈鍾.伍德改篇一些來自大型樂團之作品, 作為本團於年會上演出之用。
Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble (HKSE) is a non-profitable musical organization established in June 2011. Members are the summed of professional saxophonist who obtained the qualifications from music acadamy in Hong Kong, Europe, and United States of America. The ensemble comprises five different voices from the saxophone family, Sopranino, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Baritone. At most, each voice can be spread to the total of twelve individual parts, which challenge the solidarity but enrich the harmony and expand the repertoire variety. With various musical backgrounds and international training, HKSE delivers thrilling performances for any occasion.
HKSE aims to promote saxophone ensemble music by performing in varies occasions, such as concerts and music conference. For the most part, repertories are selected from chamber saxophone works and rearrangements of major master orchestra and military band pieces. As well we aim to expand our audience variety by performing different genres of music; ranging from conservative music to audience friendly music, for example, concert music, theme music, movie sound tracks, jazz, pop, modern music, and many more. Furthermore, we are emphatically in contributing to musical development in Hong Kong.
Another important mission of us is to promote new music; commissioning and recruiting new works from local and international composers with the aim of expanding saxophone ensemble repertoire. Thus, we have commissioned three pieces from three local composers, Mr. Simon Yau, Dr. Lo Hou-man and Mr. Austin Yip. We also invited renowned British saxophone player, composer Nigel Wood to rearrange orchestral works for us.
Earlier this month HKSE was interviewed by RTHK at their programme “The Works”. Furthermore, we were very glad to be invited to conduct and perform at a lecture at HKAPA. In July 2012, HKSE recieved Arts Development Fund (Cultural Exchange Project) from Home Affairs Bureau to represent Hong Kong to perform at the World Saxophone Congress 2012, held at St. Andrews Universiy, Scotland, UK. This international event includes cultural and musical exchange, for this reason HKSE commissioned three world premiere pieces that were written by aforementioned local composers. All three pieces were written with a favor of Hong Kong living style with a sense of traditional Chinese culture.