HKSE 2012 XVI World Saxophone Congress event: .
Hong Kong saxophone ensemble 於2012年度7月份, 在英國蘇格蘭聖安德魯大學城舉行之「第16屆世界薩克斯年會」中之演出已完滿結束及大獲好評。在此謹多謝「香港民政事務局」藝術發展基金(文化交流計劃) 對本團於是次活動之撥款讚助及支持。
We are pleased to inform you that, Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble was invited to perform at WSCXVI, held in St. Andrew, Scotland, in July 2012. The performance was successful and recieved great compliments. In here, we would like to thanks the support from Arts Development Fund (Cultural Exchange Project) presented by Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR.